Thursday, April 4, 2019

30 Blogs In 30 Days

Today is day 30 of a challenge my coach, Brooke Castillo gave me to write 30 blogs in 30 days. I went into this challenge excited, wondering what I would learn, and curious if I would have any readers at all. I also had some hesitation about coming up with content everyday, and making the time to write. Especially since 11 of the 30 days I was traveling, mostly on the east coast, spending long days sight seeing with a group of high school seniors. One of my blogs was written sitting outside the 9/11 museum while we waited to go in. Some were written from a hotel in New Jersey, and some at the airport.

I learned a few things by following through with this challenge.

1) The posts that were read the most were the ones that were the most personal, especially ones about my kids. This confirms to me that we are all seeking connection- we all want to know we are not the only ones that struggle. When we can be vulnerable enough to share our lives with each other, we encourage each other along on our various journeys.

2) It feels amazing to keep your commitments, even when it is hard. Especially when it is hard. It was a non-negotiable to me to write each day, even though there were some days when I just was not feeling it!! We often encounter challenges where we can either quit or figure it out. I am so glad I decided to figure it out and get the blogs written!

3) I have something to share, and so do you. It has been the coolest thing to have moments of inspiration where I just know what to write. I think about my clients, what they may need to hear and go from there. I love knowing that even one person may benefit from what I share. That makes it totally worth it. And the thing is, YOU have something to share too. Every single one of us has our own unique life experience, skills, tools, and talents. People are just amazing. I haven't written in this form (trying to teach something) in over 20 years, and what a pleasant surprise to be not too shabby at it! What are you good at that you don't even realize? I can tell you that for years I have felt nudges to write, and to share. Now that I am doing it, I know why. What little nudges are you ignoring? What are you hiding inside you that the world needs to see? Try it. Make a commitment and stick to it. Out of commitment comes creation.

To those of you who have read and encouraged my blogging, I so appreciate it! Thank you so much. I will continue to write as I have so many more things to share. I truly believe in the power of the work I do, and want everyone to have access to it! I am looking forward to slowing it down a little, but truly am grateful for all I have learned by fully committing to this assignment.

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

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