Thursday, April 11, 2019

I'm Wrong A lot- And Why That Is Great News!

 I have been thinking lately about the fact that I am wrong a lot. Like sometimes I'll be missing a clothing item, am totally sure one of my teenagers took it, go looking for it, and find it in my own room. Or I'll be annoyed my husband didn't call me back, make an assumption about why he didn't call me back, and realize it was not at all like I thought. These sorts of things happen more than I care to admit. 
Being wrong is something most people do not enjoy. I know I don't. But I have realized lately there is something really big and important I am wrong about. It's this faulty belief that I have been carrying around for as long as I can remember, believing as true. My brain has found piles of evidence pointing to how true it is. This painful belief has shown up everywhere in my life- in my marriage, in my parenting, in how I lead, in how I show up as a friend. It's this belief that other people can do things that I just can't. That I am somehow less able. These sneaky beliefs can be so ingrained in our subconscious that it takes some time to realize they are there. We have to shine a light on them, see them as just an optional belief, and decide if we want to continue feeding the lie, or if we want to be wrong and develop new thoughts. 

I have decided to believe I am wrong, and that I have been wrong about this belief for a long time. It's just a thought- I can change it to a new thought. You know what thought I love? I am the one for the job. I am the one to be the mom of these kids right now. I am the one to be married to my husband. I am the one who needs to help and serve my clients in the way only I know how. I am the one who can learn the skills needed to create everything I desire. I AM THE ONE. Just like the other thought, this is optional too. But can you see how it serves me so much better? Just like before, my brain gets to work looking for evidence of how this is true. Our brains are very obedient that way! The thing is- because the old thought was there for so long, it has created a nice little freeway in my brain for itself. It is so easy to just return to that path. It requires lots of practice of the new thought to create that new neural pathway which makes the new thought automatic. It's fun to practice, and I know as I continue with the new thought, I will enjoy finding all the evidence to back it up! 

What if you are wrong a lot too? What are the stories you are buying about yourself (or others) that are just plain not true? What if the only reason they seem true is because you have believed the story for so long? Are you willing to be wrong? Are you willing to let your brain know you are doing something different this time and choosing a new thought? I bet you'd be surprised what you are wrong about. Start looking. Pay attention to your thoughts. They are subtle little stinkers! When you identify a thought you are believing as true, challenge it. Is this really true? Really? If you can't prove it to the point that everyone in the whole world would believe it, it's just a thought which means it's totally optional. Go find the ways you are wrong. It is so liberating! 

Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash 
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

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