Saturday, March 9, 2019

"How" is None Of Your Business

Today I am borrowing a phrase I hear often from one of my coaches, Jody Moore.  "HOW is none of your business." What exactly does it mean? Let me explain...

As a Life Coach, I teach my clients how to identify and evaluate what is going on in their brain. I challenge my clients to set goals and push towards things that make them very uncomfortable.

For example, some of my clients are single moms. They are trying hard to keep food on the table, keep babies warm and fed, and have some semblance of a life for themselves. My clients are pretty quick to know what they want- they have goals that they care about that have sat dormant for a long time because they believe they just don't have the time (among other various reasons they think are true).

Let's say one of my clients sets a goal to earn 50K more a year than they currently do. As soon as they set that goal, their brain will get to work trying to find all the reasons it won't work. This is what our unsupervised brains do. "People will judge. You don't have time. It's impossible. You might fail. You don't know HOW!" Our brains are seekers of comfort and ease (thank you, brain- you have kept our species alive for a very long time). If something feels like a threat,  our brains will go to work making sure we know it.

If we have the end goal in mind though, and really believe in it, our brains will stop dwelling on all the "hows" and start finding solutions to our objections. My single mom client may say, "I need to break that 50K down into monthly increments of $4200. To do that, I could (insert ideas here)." We can challenge our brains to up its game and look for the next step to take rather than buying into the old, stale stories of why things won't work. Success happens one move at a time. We don't have to know ALL of it right now. Take that one step, and you'll know what to do next, and eventually you'll be standing on the other side of that goal, seeing how you pulled it off (by managing your thoughts, of course!).

I set a big, scary goal for myself in my coaching business. I want to have a successful, thriving, 6 figure coaching business by next year. Does this freak me out? Oh yeah! Do I believe I can do it? Absolutely. Do I know how? Nope. I know the general steps I need to take but let me tell ya, the learning curve is steep in starting your own business! I take it one day, one new skill, and one new client at a time. I know it'll happen.

What are you holding back on because you don't know how? Go get it! It's none of your business how it's gonna happen. Take that one little leap of faith. I dare you.

Need some help closing the gap between your present and your dreams? I can help.
Book a free mini-session at

Photocred: "@sophieja23

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