Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Julie's Side of The Story

A few days ago I shared the story of the day I found out my first husband passed away and the angel that showed up to help me. With Julie's permission, I am sharing what happened that day from her perspective. We both pray someone can feel loved and uplifted by the reminder that none of us are alone here. Here is Julie's story:

Andrea asked that I share my story. What is it that touches so many readers each time that our story is shared? I believe it is because we are spiritual beings who recognize the power of God’s love. It is our spirit remembering that we are children of God and realizing the power that comes from His love for us, desiring it in our lives and wanting to share that love with others.

It is not because I am so wonderful; nor do I desire attention drawn to me. So before I tell my story, let me start off with saying that I am just an ordinary person. I am your mother, your daughter and your sister. I am your neighbor and friend; I am you. I am the woman who doubts herself at times yet never doubts. I am the woman who is fearful, but is also courageous. I am shy and inarticulate but who speaks boldly at times. I am a woman who experiences joy and sadness; I am one who has a wonderful marriage and one who has gone to counseling because there were times of struggle. I am the woman who has given birth to beautiful babies and lost a sweet angel in miscarriage. I am one who loves life and the brightness of day and yet has felt the struggles of depression and anxiety with the darkness that comes with it. I am mortal born with an eternal spirit. I am ordinary.

This story actually began years ago when I was on the receiving end of someone’s kindness. Living where I do also means we get to do a lot of travelling to get anywhere. Most of my travel takes me between my home and Salt Lake City and on one trip I was travelling with my six children and had car troubles while crossing the salt flats. I remember praying that someone might stop and help us. I also remember being concerned in this day and age about whom that someone might be so I prayed again that the right person would stop and help us. Not too long after, a man stopped and helped us get the broken rear door open so that we could get the spare tire out and change the flat. We arranged to meet in Wendover at a tire shop and he took my flat tire ahead to get it repaired. When I arrived in Wendover, the man had actually bought two new tires for us.  That really meant a lot to me that someone would not only stop and help, but go the extra mile. He saw a need and he acted on it. 

From that time on, I decided that I would try to be aware of people who needed my help. I also recognized that sometimes stopping and helping is not always the right thing for safety reasons so I always made it a matter of prayer. Whenever I see that someone is pulled over up ahead I say a prayer that if this person needs my help that I will know. As I drive by I observe the situation. Many times I have seen people just pulled over to talk on their cell phone, or there is someone already stopped and helping or it’s a man who is already changing a flat tire. In these cases, there’s not been prompting to act. 

Once while I was making another trip back from Salt Lake, I saw a van pulled over and as my habit, I said a little prayer that if I should stop, I would know. As I drove by I was observing and listening for direction. I saw a woman on her cell phone clearly distraught. I didn’t even question it, but acted on the prompting that I should stop and instantly pulled over to ask if there was anything I could do. She told me she had just received news that the father of her six kids who were in the car had been killed in an accident.  I told her that if she were up to it, she could follow me to Elko where my husband was working, and he could give her a blessing.  I called Sam ahead of time to know what to expect and when we arrived he and a friend were able to give her a blessing. Her children didn’t want to get out of the car. They didn’t know what was going on and were very insecure. I offered to take her to our home if she wanted so that she could figure out what to do and she decided that would be best. She needed to make some more phone calls so I went to the car to try and help the kids feel more comfortable. I said another quick little prayer to ask the Lord to help me know how else to help the children. The thought instantly came to my mind that they would feel more comfortable knowing that I was a member of the church.  I asked them, “Are you members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?” and they all said, “Yes”.  I then told them that Heavenly Father had told me to stop and help their mom and that we would be taking them to our home and that they didn’t need to worry about that because Heavenly Father was watching over them. It was an amazing transformation. It was like we became their family. The 5 year old twin who had a broken leg went into Sam’s arms and there was an instant connection. The six kids ranging in ages from 15-5 got out of the car and started eating the popsicles that Sam had run to the store to pick up for them once he knew they were coming.  
When we got to our home the kids felt right at home and started playing with our family while their mom informed more people about what was going on. Finally, Andrea gathered her children and told them the terrible news. Later as they came up from the basement they seemed to appreciate being able to distract themselves with their new friends. By now it was late in the afternoon and they had a long drive ahead of them so I offered for them to spend the night. I made us all dinner and enjoyed just being together. That night I talked to Sam about the possibility of me helping her get the rest of the way home and we both agreed that if Andrea needed my help that I could do that. In the morning, I asked Andrea how she slept. She hadn’t slept at all and was still worried about making the drive so I told her that I would drive her and her family home. So we all loaded up and headed to San Jose. Andrea really appreciated it as well as her family and friends because they were so worried about her. When we got to San Jose, she dropped me off at the airport for my flight to Salt Lake City and drove home where the Relief Society had dinner waiting for them. It was very clear to me that the Lord had a hand in all of it and loved this family so much he made sure they were taken care of. 
I have thought a lot about this experience through the years.  I was asked numerous times about how I knew to stop. As I really considered this question, I realized that over the years I had developed a pattern. I would pray, observe, listen and then act on promptings I received. Sometimes I would act on promptings and there wouldn’t be any immediate or obvious blessings by having done so, but many times as on this occasion, I saw how the Holy Ghost was directing me.
All of us can use the simple pattern I used on that drive home from Salt Lake City every day. We can pray for guidance to know who needs our help. It doesn’t need to be large and heroic deeds, but simple acts of kindness and service. In this experience it is was the simple acts of following a prompting, offering reassurance and a priesthood blessing, popsicles for the kids, giving the girls stuffed animals, playing calming music on the piano, playing games, offering our friendship and love and thinking of ways to go the extra mile that made the difference. We can observe. Making observations will help us decide how we can help. It is so easy to get caught up in our busy lives, rushing here and there that we neglect to be thoughtful of those around us. We can listen. Listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and then act on those promptings. It truly does make a difference in people’s lives.

 “Along your pathway of life you will observe that you are not the only traveler. There are others who need your help. There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire and souls to save.”  - Thomas S. Monson
I feel that I was the one who was truly blessed by this experience. It strengthened my testimony of a Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and their love for me personally. That love has helped me through some difficult times in my own life as I reflect on His love for me personally. Extraordinary people have been placed in my path who have blessed my life when I needed it. 
We are all ordinary in an extraordinary way! It is with God’s immense love that it is possible!!

Thank you, Julie for sharing with all of us! I love you! 


  1. This is a beautiful experience, thank you for sharing Julie. I've known who you were for years, but never known you. You've opened the door a crack - you and Sam have obviously had your struggles just like the rest of us, but you've come through them stronger for the trials. Thank you again.

  2. Thank you, Julie, for being there for them. Means the world to all of us. So grateful for the inspiration and guidance that you were prepared to receive.
