Friday, March 15, 2019

What Are YOU Believing?

I came across a quote recently that I have been thinking about a lot. It said,

"To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour." -Sir Winston Churchill

For the past year I have been studying, learning, pushing myself and preparing my mind to have my own coaching practice. I told my husband last night that the ONLY thing that stands between where I am now and a large, thriving practice where I am helping thousands of people is my brain. That is it. Let me explain.

To own a business, one needs to learn organization, good bookkeeping, stress management, time management, new tech skills, and of course the owner needs to be an expert in whatever it is they are selling. This has been a HUGE learning curve for me and I am just getting started! My brain wants to tell me I am not organized enough. I can find plenty of evidence for that. My brain wants to sell me a story that I don't know how to manage my time well, and that other people can learn tech stuff so easily but I can't. When I lend an ear to these beliefs, my mind goes to work finding a lifetime of evidence why I probably should not do this big uncomfortable thing. My mind wants to say, "Listen here, Andrea. You have 11 kids. You have church responsibilities. You might be neglecting the family if you do this. You might fail. It's too hard. You already have so much on your plate."

But I go back to belief...not only what I believe about the past, but what I believe about the future. I have felt that proverbial "tap" on the shoulder, and if there are areas I feel unqualified for, I learn the things, and I nurture the belief that I AM qualified. I let my mind start scanning for evidence, which it  finds. Our brains are very resourceful and when we give them a job to do, they do it thoroughly. If it's a new thought, our brains will offer some resistance. But when we are consistent in redirecting to what we actually WANT to believe, it'll work hard to find data to back itself up.

Sometimes I feel unprepared. What then? The easy thing to do would be to turn away like a dog with my tail between my legs and quit. I can't do that though. I would be quitting on myself and that is not an option. So to help me get more prepared, I have hired some experts. I have an expert who helps me with bookkeeping. I hired the best sales coach in the coaching industry to teach me to get over myself and help people. I even hired a health coach so I can get my body working at its best capacity- clear minded, full of energy, and in the right-sized body that allows me to do all I am capable of.

ALL of this is uncomfortable. I am creating new beliefs with not a whole lot of evidence to back it up. I have never owned a business before. I have never been a Life Coach before. I can't go back to past successes in these areas to help me feel better about the present. I have to create the evidence by looking to my future. I am believing I am right where I need to be, and that the things I need to learn to reach my goals will be available to me right when I need them. I am believing I am becoming the person I need to be to pull this all off.

My friends, what do you WANT to believe about yourself? What tap on the shoulder are you ignoring? Stop buying into the old stories about why you can't and get to work. I believe that every single one of us on earth has greatness within and something to give to the world. We just have to get out of our own way. As we take steps forward toward our new beliefs, we gain traction. If you want to become a great runner, you can think it all day long but where the belief switches over to hard evidence is when you actually lay down the miles and BECOME a great runner. You become great at your job when you answer the question "What does someone who is great at their job do?" From there, follow that up with DOING whatever your answer is. And guess what, you'll become great at your job!

Our thoughts truly create every result we have in our life. There is no result that did not first come from a thought. So I ask again- what do you want to believe? Think it. Practice it. Create new evidence to back up the belief. Become the expert. Become your best organized self, or healthiest self, or wealthiest self, or whatever it is that your heart desires. It truly is yours for the taking, simply by managing your mind.

Need more help committing to beliefs? I know someone who can help...
Schedule a free session with me at:

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